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The president’s office has found the keys to the treasury, the queue is long and people are nervous

Salary overview in the presidential office: the Castle pays more than under Zeman

While Jiří Ovčáček, as director of the Press Department of the Office of the President of the Republic, received a gross salary of €3400 in the last months of his tenure, his successor, Markéta Řeháková, earned €4100. This is based on information obtained by MF DNES on the basis of a Freedom of Information request. The editorial office sent the request to the Castle after rumours began to circulate in the backstage that the Castle was quietly raising salaries.

The president's office managed to find the keys to the treasury
Inflation and financial hunger bypass Prague Castle
Source : https://www.idnes.cz/kancelar-prezidenta-republiky-plat-petr-pavel
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