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A sanitation official described how a state agency robbed its own employees, fired them and obfuscated

A sanitation official pointed out the millions of dollars in damage. “Then they fired me,” he says.

When a health officer is in the field for more than five hours, for example, to inspect a restaurant, he or she receives a one hundred and twenty-crown meal voucher, according to established practice. However, unionist Pěkný looked up the law and found that the correct way for officials to receive cash is to receive cash. The problem is that the officials themselves contribute to the one hundred and twenty-crown meal voucher. Which then, with the number of official errands – almost 4,500 from January 2022 to January 2024 alone – adds up to a lot of money.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/urednik-hygieny-upozornil-na-milionovou-skodu-pak-me-vyhodili-rika
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