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Punishment for dog mauled child is 10 months in jail, court imposes one year suspended sentence for stealing hot dog

A dog bit a child on Petrin Hill. The owner was sent to prison for 10 months

A court sent an owner who failed to keep an eye on his dog to prison for 10 months. The animal seriously injured a young boy on Prague’s Petrin Hill last year. Jaroslav P., who was walking the fighting dog, did not show up for Monday’s hearing. He had previously stated that the dog was not his and denied guilt. The verdict is not final.

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/pes-petrin-zraneni-majitel-soud-napadeni-kousnuti
For stealing rolls, jail. Abolishing sentences for repeat offenders will save a billion, study says

If we want to reduce the number of prisoners in overcrowded prisons and save CZK 1 billion a year, let’s abolish special higher penal rates for repeat offenders, suggests a study by the Legal Data Hub project at Charles University Law School. According to the study, the Czech Republic punishes repeat offenders disproportionately harshly. Deputy Justice Minister Karel Dvořák agrees with the study’s conclusions and wants them to be reflected in a forthcoming amendment to the prison system.

Source : https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/zrusme-vyssi-tresty-pro-recidivisty-uvolnime-veznice-navrhuj/
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