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Pension payments directed by the Czech Post will become 120% more expensive, the state-owned company will suck CZK 22 million from pensioners

An attack on the defenceless, the senior citizens’ associations are angry. Cash pension payments will become more expensive

The change in the payment of old-age pensions will affect some 524 000 seniors from the second month of the year. From February, they will pay double the fee for paying their pensions in cash – almost CZK 80 per month. The fee is equivalent to the price of a type B postal order, which corresponds to a financial transaction where the relevant amount is sent from the account and paid out in cash. Price of a B voucher with hand delivery on the specified payment date

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/politika-vyplata-duchodu-v-hotovosti-se-penzistum-prodrazi

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