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Rural socdem voter sends message to city elite, ostentatious redneckism as thanks for financial literacy and decency course

“Prague and love must triumph over the village and hatred.” The upstarts are pushing Babiš to the Castle

Even after a decade of experience with Miloš Zeman, a significant part of the city’s “cultural elite” is behaving like the proverbial madman who expects that repeating the same mistakes over and over again will surely bring him good results one day. It is now ten years since the disillusioned people from the regions first caught their more secure fellow citizens from the cities by surprise – and made Miloš Zeman, the self-proclaimed “president of the bottom ten million”, head of state in the first direct election. In the campaign, he used ostentatious redneckism – drinking, profanity and insults – to mobilise those who were fed up with the condescending remarks of the “Pragueers” about decency and financial literacy.

Source : https://nazory.aktualne.cz/praha-a-laska-musi-zvitezit-nad-vsi-a-nenavisti-povysenci-tl/
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