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ODS are criminals, a long-time member of the political party shared his experience and provided first-hand testimony

“ODS are criminals.” Former minister Tlustý on aid to Ukraine, the government and Trikolore

Is that according to the law? Ex-minister Vlastimil Tlustý asks about the transfer of huge… Former ODS Finance Minister Vlastimil Tlustý is acting as a new advisor to the Oath movement of former police officer Robert Šlachta. He describes himself as having a role only as an external adviser who will not be responsible for the programme but will help with “finding what is legal and what is not” in the case of aid to Ukraine. In an interview with MF DNES, he also comments on the policies of the government of Petro Fiala and the cooperation with the Triko movement

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/vlastimil-tlusty-ods-politika-slachta-pomoc-ukrajine-valka
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