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Chamber of Deputies hosts Lucy Akell, Ugandan MP who supports LGBT executions

Chamber of Deputies hosts Ugandan MP who would punish gay sex with death

The IPAC summit in Prague, which focuses on “China-related issues”, was attended by controversial Ugandan MP Lucy Akell over the weekend. She is behind the enactment of one of the harshest penalties for gay sex in the world. The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance for China (IPAC) summit took place on Friday and Saturday on the floor of the House of Representatives. The main objective of the alliance is primarily to “reform the approach of democratic countries towards China” and, among other things, to give due “attention to universal human rights.”

Zdroj: https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/snemovna-hostila-ugandskou-poslankyni-ktera-by-trestala-gay-sex-smrti
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