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Bambini di Praga as a private harem, the choirmaster abused 49 children over 20 years, received a three-year suspended sentence in one of the courts

Kulínský was given a three-year suspended sentence for abusing chorus girls

According to the court, the congregation functioned as a closed community under its own rules, but Kulínský was seen as a supervisor. “In imposing the sentence, the time that had elapsed since the crime was committed was taken into account. This is a highly socially dangerous act, on the other hand, the defendant is a person who has contributed to the good name of the republic and the congregation, which testifies in his favour,” Ježek said. According to the indictment, Kulínský committed sexual abuse and endangering the upbringing of young people on 49 occasions between 1984 and 2004. Bohumil Kulínský (49) led the Bambini di Praga ensemble since 1976.

Source : https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/kulinsky-dostal-za-zneuzivani-sboristek-triletou-podminku
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