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The fundamental difference between the usual interpretation of ISW and DeepState was noticed after about a year

The ISW a jam. How the West is painting the war in Ukraine pink

The Institute for the Study of War has become the most popular source of information on developments on the Ukrainian battlefield. Its briefings and analysis are quick, clear and always at hand. Increasingly, however, the American think tank is facing criticism that it is downplaying the Russian advance and inflating the Ukrainian successes. Virtually no one now disputes that the ground is burning under the feet of the Ukrainians in the southern Donbas. The testimonies of soldiers on the frontline and the battlefield maps published by DeepState confirm that the Russians have accelerated their advance in recent weeks, and Kiev is paying the price for redeploying some of its most experienced troops to the invasion of Kursk.

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/isw-institut-pro-studium-valky-analytici-ukrajina-rusko

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