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Bulgarians protest against comparison to Turkish toilet on Entropa sculpture

Bulgarians protest against Czech decorations in Brussels, Turkish toilet offends them

Bulgaria’s strong protest was sparked by the decoration of the Czech EU Presidency, which was installed by artist David Černý. The sculpture, named Entropa and intended to represent the unwanted stereotypes that prevail about the individual countries, bothers Bulgarians by depicting a Turkish toilet as their state. The embassy will also send an official note of protest to the Czech Permanent Representation. Bulgarian spokeswoman Betina Jotevova expressed her disapproval to the Czech diplomats, saying that such a depiction is very offensive. The contradictory reactions were to be expected.

Source : https://www.novinky.cz/bulhari-protestuji-proti-ceske-vyzdobe-v-bruselu-urazi-je-turecky-zachod
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