The Czech Republic lost an arbitration with Diag Human for almost 16 billion. We won’t pay anything yet,’ said Stanjura
The Czech Republic has partially failed in an international arbitration with Diag Human over alleged misconduct by the Ministry of Health in the procurement of blood plasma processors. Based on the results of the arbitration, the Czech Republic should pay CZK 15.5 billion to the company of Czech-Swiss Josef Št’áva. The finance ministry announced this in a press release on Wednesday. However, the government has decided that the Czech Republic will appeal the decision. Diag Human had demanded CZK 52 billion from the state, a result it considers a defeat for the Czech Republic. The result of the arbitration was highlighted by HlidaciPes. The origins of the protracted dispute date back to 1991, when the Ministry of Health announced a competition for the processing of blood plasma.
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