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Elsewhere it would be murder, but not in Slovakia, a convicted policeman Nemčok can even continue to serve

Appeals court upholds probation for police officer who shot boy in back seat

According to the judge, the police officer misjudged the situation and should not have used his service weapon at all. The mother of Thomas, who was shot, has been waiting 6.5 years for an apology. An appeals court has upheld a suspended two-year prison sentence suspended for three years for police officer Vladimír Nemčok, who shot at a fleeing car during a chase but shot Tomáš (†17) in the back seat. He was sentenced for negligent homicide last November by the District Court in Žiar nad Hronom.

Source : https://www.aktuality.sk/odvolaci-sud-potvrdil-podmienku-pre-policajta-ktory-zastrelil-chlapca-na-zadnom-sedadle/
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