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Anti-corruption party ODS in the Olomouc Region uses new communication codes for bribes

ODS politicians used codes for bribes. 2 plum brandy (slivovice) = 200 thousand

CZK 46 million, according to the police indictment, was earmarked for corruption in transport contracts in the Olomouc Region. Construction companies were also supposed to pay for luxury holidays or mobile phones for the accused politicians and officials. For more than two years, detectives from the National Centre against Organised Crime have been monitoring how public transport contracts in the Olomouc Region are influenced and how millions of euros in bribes are distributed.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/korupce-i-zneuziti-dopravnich-zakazek-policie-stiha-trinact-lidi
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