30 years of Slovakia: they left and they are not coming back. The modern emigration of Slovaks was triggered by the accession to the European Union
One in ten Slovaks now lives outside their home country. We remain a country of emigrants even in the modern era. Daniela Slepáková, a young Slovak woman, has lived abroad for about half of her life. Although she has thought about returning home many times, she has changed her mind each time, often at the last minute. “Several times I had my bags packed, but circumstances – professional or personal – changed and I stayed,” she says. “Probably everyone who lives abroad considers returning at some point. The reasons are usually the same – family, social ties or the fact that only in Slovakia do you really feel at home,” says the Slovakian
Source : https://www.aktuality.sk/30-rokov-slovenska-odisli-a-uz-sa-nevratia-novodobe-vystahovalectvo-slovakov-nastartoval-vstup-do-europskej-unie/