A drunk man attacked the police officers. He now faces up to five years in prison
A 56-year-old man crashed into the crash barriers and then fled the scene. He was subsequently spotted by a police patrol, the man wanted to hide from them. The accused became aggressive and assaulted the officers. A police investigator from Prievidza charged the 56-year-old man with the offence of assault on a public official. After the traffic accident, he first ran away and later attacked the police officers. This was reported by the Trenčín regional police spokeswoman Katarína Kuzmová.
Commentary: It is not sufficient for a person who is outside the vehicle at the time of the patrol to fail to testify. If there is no evidence against him and it is enough for him to remain silent, he will logically improve his situation by assaulting the police patrol.
Source : https://www.aktuality.sk/opity-muz-zautocil-na-policajtov-teraz-mu-hrozi-az-pat-rokov-vazenia/