VZP will continue to have a branch with Zeman’s sponsor. He’ll pay a total of €400 thousand
Representatives of the General Health Insurance Company and the company of real estate entrepreneur Jaroslav Třešňák signed a new lease amendment until October 2034. According to the agreement, VZP will pay around 100 million. The management of VZP, the largest domestic health insurance company, has decided where it will keep its Ústí branch for the next eleven years. It will remain in the premises of JTH Mírové náměstí, owned by Jaroslav Třešňák, a real estate entrepreneur and one of the sponsors of Miloš Zeman’s presidential campaign.
Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/vzp-bude-mit-nadale-pobocku-u-zemanova-sponzora-celkem-zaplati-na-100-milionu