Zeman and Fiala’s agreement: every Czech can join the war in favour of Ukraine
According to the Defence Ministry, some 250 Czechs have already expressed interest in joining the Ukrainian army in the fight against the Russian invasion. Joining the armed forces of a foreign country is punishable by criminal sanctions. Therefore, there has been a discussion within the government administration on how to allow Czech volunteers to fight for Ukraine. They can go there straight away even without the permission of President Miloš Zeman, who is pardoned upon their return.
Source : https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/generalni-povoleni-pro-legionare-na-ukrajinu-nebude-o-kazdem/
Six months later…
They set out to defend Ukraine against Russian aggression, now they are suspected of a crime
Police have begun to investigate the first cases of volunteers who went to Ukraine to fight the Russian invaders without the consent of President Miloš Zeman. They are suspected of a criminal offence. Serving in the armed forces of another state can only be done with the express permission of the head of state. Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) has interpreted Zeman’s commitment to ensure impunity for these volunteers.
Source : https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/ukrajina-dobrovolnici-stihani/