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The single umbrella against the drachma exists in two forms, foreigners will not eat our bread

The state will transfer its websites under a single domain. The design of the websites will also be unified

On Wednesday, the government approved a proposal by Deputy Prime Minister for Digitisation Ivan Bartos regarding the migration of central state administration bodies to a single domain gov.cz and the intention to unify the design of state administration websites. “We owe citizens a state that operates in a transparent, secure and trustworthy manner,” Bartoš commented on the news.

Web gov.cz Czech version Umbrella against drachota
Web gov.cz Czech version Umbrella against drachota
Web gov.cz English version
Web gov.cz English version
Source: https://www.lidovky.cz/vlada-navrh-schvaleni-mistopredsedy-pro-digitalizaci-ivan-bartos-jednotna-domena.
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