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The Supreme Court has expanded the list of non-claimable benefits; after housing, food or parking, there is no right to access web

There is no right to access disinformation websites, says Supreme Administrative Court

The first judgment dealing with the shutdown of eight disinformation websites immediately after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine was handed down. It was handed down by the Supreme Administrative Court. The initiative to block these sites came from the government of Petro Fiala. According to the highest judicial authority interpreting administrative law, the Cabinet’s recommendation cannot be seen as an illegal act of state power. In its ruling, the court said that the government’s plea was not in the nature of an illegal act of state power. And that there was no right to access information from a particular website. Václav V challenged the verdict at the Supreme Administrative Court, but failed, according to new findings by the editors.

Source : https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/nss-dezinformace/
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