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Cash like in the bank, Louny District Court lost €500 thousand, money evaporated by an employee

€500 000 disappeared from court, police investigating accountant for embezzlement

Criminals are investigating a huge embezzlement at the District Court in Louny. According to police, a former employee who worked there as an accountant gradually sent CZK 13 million to his accounts since 2019. According to the server Česká justice, which reported on the case, the man laundered the money. The investigation is at the beginning. “I can only confirm that an investigation into serious criminal conduct by an employee of the Louny District Court is underway,” Lenka Ceplová, head of the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, under which the Louny District Court falls, told Česká justice.

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/policie-zpronevera-louny-soudu-ucetni-penize-obvineni
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