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The future technological superpower finds that it will not have access to ONSEMI technologies, only the halls will be Czech

Is it actually profitable? Many questions hang over the onsemi factory in the Czech Republic

The Czechs will not have access to technology. What proportion of the investment itself will be supplied from the Czech Republic? Machinery and equipment for chip production will probably be imported. The technology will also be foreign. Then, of the larger items, the only thing left is the land and real estate where the production will be located, which will hopefully be built by a Czech supplier, but this will be in the order of several billion crowns. It is hard to expect that the share of domestic supplies will reach more than somewhere between one tenth and one fifth of the investment.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/je-to-vlastne-vyhodne-nad-tovarnou-onsemi-v-cesku-visi-rada-otazek
Czech Republic can be a European power in chip production, says Síkela

Semiconductors will also be needed more and more with the development of electromobility, renewable resources and digitalization, so the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) is negotiating with the American company Onsemi, which produces chips, to expand their production in the Moravian town of Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. “This investment could significantly help the Czech Republic to become a small European chip power,” says the head of the ministry, Jozef Síkela (STAN), in an interview with SZ Byznys.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/cesko-muze-byt-evropska-velmoc-ve-vyrobe-cipu-rika-sikela
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