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Teacher on school trip didn’t notice she was drinking from a liter bottle, had to be taken away by ambulance

A teacher got so drunk on a school trip that an ambulance had to take her away

Monday’s school trip to Brno’s Špilberk Castle had an unexpected culmination. A teacher got so drunk on the premises that police and paramedics had to intervene on the spot. A police patrol arrived directly at the castle around noon on Monday. “I can confirm that we did indeed have a raid on Špilberk at that time. We arrived on the basis of a notification that a person was unable to take care of himself. She was drunk, we called paramedics and assisted them in transporting her,” said police spokesman Pavel Šváb.

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/skolni-vylet-hrad-spilberk-opila-ucitelka
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