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Tank Ono sells fuel for 2 months at the same price, aktuálně.cz sees discounting

Both petrol and diesel have become cheaper again since last week. Drivers in Prague are filling up the cheapest

Fuel in the Czech Republic has become cheaper for the second week in a row after a short-term rise at the beginning of the year. The average price of the best-selling petrol Natural 95 has fallen by seven cents to CZK 36.22 per litre since last Wednesday. Diesel has become cheaper by 19 cents to 37.29 crowns per litre on average. This is according to data from CCS, a company that monitors fuel prices.

Source : https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/benzin-i-nafta-v-cesku-od-minuleho-tydne-znovu-zlevnily/
Pumps will start getting more expensive. Their margins are minimal and the price of oil is rising

According to Jiří Ondra, the head of Tank ONO, the Czech market will soon witness a long-unprecedented phenomenon where the price of diesel will be lower than that of petrol. Car drivers will face further price increases at Czech petrol stations. Although fuel prices have calmed down this week, they will soon start rising again. This is evident in the wholesale prices of diesel and petrol, which are flying upwards. And retailers will have to react to this, not least because they now have low margins and are not making as much money as they would like.

Source : https://archiv.hn.cz/pumpy-zacnou-zdrazovat-jejich-marze-jsou-minimalni-a-cena-ropy-roste
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