Taiwan may have made a strategic mistake, Czech company finally gets closer to stealing more know-how after years
The first coops are underway, the Ukrainian Boeing was repaired in Egypt just before take-off, the Czechs were afraid to board the plane
We’re delayed, step on it – 1,000 tons of toxic benzene from a derailed train are burning in the Přerov region.
Magnetic resonance imaging in Košice is out of commission, starving copper thieves took part of the radiator
Explosion in Ústí county, someone tried to withdraw money from an ATM with explosives in the village of Tisá
Hotel Olympik staff stored laundry on a fridge, fire on the 11th floor of the building kills eight people
We won’t let our electrical waste be stolen, a dead man was pulled out of an electrical waste container
Slovaks successfully implemented know-how from Nigeria, connected to the Druzba pipeline and pumped diesel into bags
The Liberec-Horní Hanychov – Ještěd cableway was in operation for 30 years with the automatic brake removed
Czech specialists invented the Vltava railway bridge, the Branický Bridge got a second track after 70 years but the tunnel remains single-track
Michal from Meteopress describes the Czech development in a video interview, you don’t need a thousand people, just steal someone else’s technology
Cement factory stops collection, waste disposers are in custody and poisons are still in the landfill
Prague’s Vršovice is being repaired, and the repair of the hot water pipeline accident has been going on for half a year
Incredible and shocking information from neighbours, trains in Poland are running at 200 kilometres per hour
It’s all gone, in the Chomutov ghetto a dad gave his son a firecracker and the kid burned down the whole mall, the damage is 27 million