The Pirates Party no longer wants to be friends with Don Pablo (Don is not a mafioso but the Czech Minister of the Justice)
Czech Republic has long been in breach of the Social Charter, says European committee after almost five years of investigation
How many seconds did it take you to realise that you were watching Joch under the influence of alcohol on the public broadcaster ČT24?
One of the greatest Czech’s thinkers, like others leaders, miscalculated and statements quickly deleted from social networks
Czech Liberal Democrats showed what they can do and got 98%, as it is a negative value Pirates completely failed in the elections
Grolich is just marketing, Puta organised crime, but the lover of encrypted phones won the regional elections in northern Bohemia
Slovak TV Markiza took a month to give notice to Michal Kovačič, in a live broadcast he explained his own views
The criminally prosecuted governor Půta is not going to resign, two months later he won a seat on the supervisory board of ČEZ
The secret crime of the BIS chief, then the attempt to put a journalist in jail and now a promotion to the rank of general
The first of a series of failed campaigns by the Liberal Democrats has been humanised as the Czech Dream
Behind the scenes in the KDU-ČSL, mobbing, spying, the edge of the law and the deed is unlikely to happen