The Patent Office (UPV CR) is patenting, ingenious Czech entities, they registered an incredible 7% of patents
Teacher on school trip didn’t notice she was drinking from a liter bottle, had to be taken away by ambulance
The ghetto must look like an opera otherwise there will be no social benefits, hunger re-education launched in Ústí nad Labem
Mirek has invested heavily in his own English, Ján Počiatek explains why he is a grateful butt of jokes after twelve years
Students at Brno’s Faculty of Civil Engineering trained for real life, someone drawing extraordinary scholarships revealed
Beall based the evaluation on subjective opinion and impressions, academics have enough to not appoint the dean of FSV UK
Vagabond Sasha understood that he was getting a free life lesson, that was all he understood at the same time
Steal or not to steal? Associate Professor Pohorský at the Faculty of Philosophy has found the answer to this pressing question
Gymnasium Duhovka wants to be headed by a person who is also a deputy, on the opposite side of the republic