Fial’s imprudence: in the credit union where he had money, there were also very dubious existences among the shareholders
Stalzer was a shareholder in the credit union personally and through the S.P.I. Group. Petr Štalzer was a long-time associate of Kamil Bahbouh. But police say Bahbouh himself was not involved in the murder case. Although his role in the case was investigated, the prosecutor eventually found that Štalzer himself had disputes with Weber in addition to Bahbouh.
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Court finally confirms 16 years for Stalzer for murder of lawyer
Petr Štalzer, the owner of a security agency, will definitively serve 16 years in prison for the murder of a Prague lawyer. His appeal was rejected by the Supreme Court. According to the case, Štalzer shot the lawyer by mistake, mistaking him for another man because of his striking physical appearance.
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