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SMER’s election spot, Focus agency finds that the inspiration and the draft are real

Slovak election bizarro steals idea from Israel

The campaign for the Slovak parliamentary elections is not an example worth following. The SMER party’s spot parodies the opposition like little children enjoying a joint. Moreover, it is a clear copy of the Israeli Likud party’s ad. Slovakia will face parliamentary elections on the last day of February next year. But the fierce campaign is already under way. The strongest party of the last many years, SMER, has come up with a video spot that has stirred up the waters. It presents political rivals as small children, it gives out a series of underhanded jokes and it is a concept copied to the letter.

SMER election spot parodies PS
SMER party election spot, an apparent reference to a member of the PS movement named Michal Truban
Source : https://www.focus-age.cz/slovensky-volebni-bizar-vykradl-napad-z-izraele
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