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Slovaks successfully implemented know-how from Nigeria, connected to the Druzba pipeline and pumped diesel into bags

Bratislava Regional Criminal Police cleared a sophisticated theft of fuel

The Bratislava Regional Criminal Investigation Office clarified a sophisticated theft of fuel within the Zavar operation. In one of the objects in the village of Kaplná in the Senec district, illegal pumping of diesel fuel from a product pipeline leading from Slovakia to the Czech Republic was taking place. The perpetrators connected, by means of hoses, to the pipeline in an as yet unidentified way, from which they pumped diesel using technical equipment,

Source : https://spravy.pravda.sk/krajska-kriminalka-objasnila-sofistikovanu-kradez-pohonnych-hmot/
Source: https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/praskl-ropovod-nasledovala-exploze/

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