KDH wants to recall Ľuboš Blaha: Instead of the president, he hung a portrait of a mass murderer in his office
Today the KDH filed a motion for Blaha’s dismissal in the registry office. The extraordinary meeting should be held next week on Tuesday, before the meeting on the government’s programme statement. The KDH MPs want to recall Ľuboš Blaha from the post of Deputy Speaker of Parliament. They have collected 40 signatures and thus gained support for a motion for an extraordinary session. Only 30 signatures are needed to call such a meeting.
Source : https://www.aktuality.sk/kdh-chce-odvolat-lubosa-blahu-miesto-prezidentky-si-zavesil-v-kancelarii-portret-masoveho-vraha/
Commentary by Zola Mikes: Che Guevara is a necessary exclamation mark even today
Elan’s latest hit about Che Guevara raging from T-shirts has stirred up a storm of discussion on social media. Many of my right-wing friends first criticised Elán and, in the same breath, the Cuban revolutionary. The latter, however, wrongly. When a die-hard right-winger accuses Che Guevara of being a murderer, he always forgets that in times of unrest and revolution, human sacrifice is, unfortunately, part of the struggle.
Source : https://www.aktuality.sk/komentar-zola-mikesa-che-guevara-je-potrebnym-vykricnikom-i-dnes/