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Slovak policemen like to take pictures with muddy people, ideally if they are lying on the ground immobilized like animals before slaughter

Police arrested a man on the run in central Slovakia

Since he has not entered prison, a manhunt has been launched for the 43-year-old from Banská Bystrica. This resulted in his arrest. The police searched for 43-year-old Lukáš from Banská Bystrica for several months until they finally managed to catch up with him. “Regional criminologists and police officers of the Emergency Police Unit from Banská Bystrica in cooperation with colleagues from Rimavská Sobota and Zvolen arrested the fugitive,” the Banská Bystrica Regional Police reported on Saturday afternoon on the social network.

Source : https://www.aktuality.sk/na-strednom-slovensku-policajti-zadrzali-muza-na-uteku/
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