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Three hundred and fifty for 7, greedy democrats help Ukraine, Germany ran with them like the Czech Republic

How the “democrats” failed to help Ukraine

Of the 671 million euros declared by Defence as the value of weapons delivered to Ukraine, 500 million euros are made up of migs and the KUB anti-aircraft system. The political decision to give the Migs to the Ukrainians was taken last summer. However, the Migs were still at Sliač in the autumn. Instead of the standard compensation from the EPF, Slovakia began to “blackmail” its Western partners and demanded compensation of a whopping 350 million euros for the delivery of the migs to Ukraine. Then came the second phase – horse-trading. Slovakia began to demand inadequate compensation from its Western partners in return for the aid. For thirty obsolete infantry fighting vehicles, Slovakia also received compensation – fifteen older Leopard 2 tanks from Germany.

Source : https://komentare.sme.sk/ako-demokrati-zlyhali-pri-pomoci-ukrajine
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