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Monday’s theft of signalling equipment cables restricted train operation from Beroun via Praha – Smíchov station

Theft of signalling cables restricted train operation through Smichov

On Monday morning, the theft of cables ensuring the safety of trains running through Prague’s Smichov railway station limited operations. Alternative bus transport and the recognition of ČD travel documents in public transport are provided. The failure of the safety equipment limited the operation of trains through Prague’s Smichov station on Monday morning. According to information on the Czech Railways website, this is due to the theft of the signalling cables at the Prague-Smíchov station. Trains from Beroun heading to Prague first terminated in Radotín.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/kradez-kabelu-zabezpecovaciho-zarizeni-omezila-provoz-vlaku-pres-smichov
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