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It’s all gone, in the Chomutov ghetto a dad gave his son a firecracker and the kid burned down the whole mall, the damage is 27 million

The mall was set on fire by an eight-year-old boy. He’s out of his mind, police dropped the case

Police have postponed the case of the massive fire at the Flora shopping complex in Chomutov that occurred in January this year. It was started by an eight-year-old boy who detonated pyrotechnics in the direction of the building. It caused damage worth nearly CZK 27 million. The victims, i.e. the owners of the building and the destroyed goods, can seek compensation in civil court. The investigation has clearly established that the cause of the fire was negligence in handling fireworks. A light projectile from a Roman candle shot into the ventilation opening of the building came into direct contact with the stored goods inside and subsequently set them on fire

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/nakupni-komplex-pozar-dite-policie-odlozeni-pyrotechnika
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