I’m gonna shoot up the school, the 9th grader should have said.
Last week, pupils and teachers at the Třešt’ primary school experienced moments of fear and terror during the Monday morning class. What happened? The mothers of two ninth-grade pupils say, under guarantee of anonymity, that everything should have gone according to the following scenario.
Source : https://www.jihlavske-listy.cz/vystrilim-skolu-mel-rict-devatak
The grandson of a Czech politician threatened to bring a gun to school. It was a joke, defends
The 15-year-old grandson of a well-known Czech politician threatened to bring a gun to school. The incident occurred on 9 October at a school in the Jihlava region. According to the Deník daily, the ninth-grade pupil was asked to say the following words in the school corridor: “One day I will bring a gun, and I will.” The pupil’s mother confirmed to Deník that these words were indeed spoken.
Source : https://www.denik.cz/predseda-senat-milos-vystrcil-vnuk-vyhrozoval-skola-trest-strelba