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No second wave of inflation but inflation accelerated to 8.5 percent after eight months

Prices rose after eight months. A second wave of inflation is not happening, experts reassure

Annual consumer price growth accelerated to 8.5 percent in October from 6.9 percent in September, the Czech Statistical Office calculated. This is the first month in eight months that inflation has accelerated. Compared to the previous month, prices went up 0.1 percent. But the October figure is affected by a technicality – that is, the fact that a year ago statisticians included the government’s energy-saving tariff in the calculation as a reduction in electricity prices.

Source : https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/inflace-mezirocne-vzrostla-na-8-5-procenta-kvuli-zapocteni-u/
Inflation accelerated to 8.5 percent in October. However, the calculation was significantly affected by statistical factors

Annual consumer price inflation accelerated to 8.5 percent in October from 6.9 percent in September. This followed eight months of declining inflation. But the October figure is affected by the fact that a year ago, statisticians included the government’s energy-saving tariff as a way of making electricity cheaper. Without that effect, year-on-year inflation would have been below six per cent this October, the Czech Statistical Office said on Friday. On a month-on-month basis, consumer prices rose 0.1 percent in October.

Source : https://www.irozhlas.cz/inflace-rijen-2023-spotrebitelske-ceny
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