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Domestic media: angry Swedes; SAAB: We know it’s not enough to have a good plane

Angry Swedes want to avert Czech purchase of US fighter jets

The government is considering the purchase of US F-35 fighter jets. It wouldn’t use Swedish Gripens. Which has angered their manufacturers, who promise to protect the Czech Republic until 2070. But the US is also very interested in business worth tens of billions.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/stihacky-z-usa-nutna-ochrana-ceska-nebo-zbytecny-ramus-za-desitky-miliard
SAAB CEO says it’s not enough to beat US jet sales

The Saab JAS 39 Gripen is considered a highly capable 4.5 generation fighter aircraft. Despite its high recognition, the Gripen has often lost sales to American jets such as the fifth-generation F-35. Saab’s CEO says that when going up against U.S.-made jets, it’s not a “completely level playing field.”

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/stihacky-z-usa-nutna-ochrana-ceska-nebo-zbytecny-ramus-za-desitky-miliard
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