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The rich, evil German Trautenberk has found an enemy in a Czech fairy tale, Krakonoš is at war with him

Trautenberk, Anche, Kuba, the gamekeeper. Krkonoše fairy tales celebrate their fiftieth anniversary

Krkonoše fairy tales are immortal fairy tales for all generations. As it happens, few newer fairy tales are purely from the pen of the scriptwriter, and it was no different with Krkonoše Fairy Tales. The famous bedtime story celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. Remember it with the monthly Nostalgie. The director Věra Jordánová and the scriptwriter Božena Šimková were inspired by the book by Marie Kubátová.

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/krkonosske-pohadky-50-let-prachar-peterka-maciuchova-satoransky
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