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Reckless rescuers unnecessarily blocked a busy road and faced unpleasant complications

The Hradec Králové air rescuers faced several unpleasant complications from drivers during the intervention at the accident in Nové Město nad Metují!

Several unpleasant complications had to be faced today by the Hradec Králové air rescuers when they intervened in a traffic accident in Nové Město nad Metují. The first of them occurred during landing. One of the drivers passing the accident site was in such a hurry that he found it necessary to squeeze through the space below the landing Christopher 6.

Reckless rescuers faced unpleasant complications
Blocked roundabout, about 100 meters from the football field
Source : https://jvpress.cz/kralovehradecti-letecti-zachranari-celili-pri-zasahu-u-nehody-v-novem-meste-nad-metuji-komplikacim
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