Ex-minister Rezeš received only a written reprimand for the destruction of the historic building
For violation of the building and monuments law, the District Office in Banská Štiavnica only issued a written reprimand to the owner of the house number 19 on the Square of the Holy Trinity, the former Minister of Transport, one of the owners of VSŽ and the head of the HZDS election team, Alexander Rezeš, for devastation of the building, which was included in the list of cultural monuments of Banská Štiavnica. As we have already reported, although he only received permission to reconstruct the roof, Rezeš had a swimming pool with accessories built in the interior of the Renaissance-Baroque building from the 17th and 18th centuries with beautiful vaults, thus practically nullifying the historical value of the house.
Source : https://www.sme.sk/za-zdevastovanie-historickej-budovy-dostal-exminister-rezes-iba-pisomne-pokarhanie