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Emissions businessman Rastislav Bilas was killed by his own car, the vehicle waited for the man to fall asleep and then started itself

A man was found dead in a house in Bratislava, he is believed to be the businessman Bilas from the emissions case

On Friday morning, a man was found dead in his family home in Bratislava’s Old Town. Four other people were taken to hospital, Bratislava regional police spokeswoman Silvia Šimková said. Police officers were asked for assistance in opening the door of the family house by members of the Fire and Rescue Corps. “After the opening, the body of a man without signs of life was found inside the house, which despite the efforts of rescuers could not be revived,” she added. According to information from TV Joj, it is supposed to be the house of businessman Rastislav Bilas from the emissions case.

Zdroj: https://spravy.pravda.sk/domace/clanok/v-bratislavskom-dome-nasli-mrtveho-muza-ma-ist-o-podnikatela-bilasa-z-emisnej-kauzy/
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