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Russia-backing Raiffeisenbank cancels bank account of language school owner, employs Russian teacher

“I also sent money from it to Ukraine.” The bank closed the account of the owner of the language school

“I’m pissed off. The bank, which European institutions are admonishing to wrap things up in Russia, is cancelling my account as if I were a Russian agent,” says the director of the language school. He suspects he lost the account because he employs a Russian teacher. Marek Veselý has run his own language school for a quarter of a century. But this autumn, he got an unpleasant surprise. “I have several companies, one dealing with the public, the other with corporate tuition and as a self-employed person we provide individual tuition. One day I looked at my online banking and didn’t see one of the accounts, the one for paying tutors.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/jako-bych-byl-rusky-agent-banka-majiteli-jazykovky-zrusila-ucet
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