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Prisoner lives on 3m^2 and has no physical contact with relatives, the aim of punishment is not revenge but change, says psychologist

Mafia boss Mikulas Černák may be released. The aim of the sentence is not revenge, but change, says psychologist

Černák has been behind bars on and off for over 25 years. Like all lifers, he has been assigned a 3.5-square-metre cell with a bed, desk, wardrobe, radio and electric lamp. Outside the cell he is always accompanied by prison guards and is not allowed physical contact with relatives during visits. He is currently supposed to be in Leopold Prison. There he has been included in a national project called…

Source : https://hnonline.sk/mafiansky-bos-mikulas-cernak-moze-byt-prepusteny-cielom-trestu-nie-je-pomsta-ale-zmena-tvrdi-psycholog
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