I didn’t write it, I just signed it, Nečas defends himself against perjury charges over his wife
A court is hearing charges on whether the former prime minister lied to cover up for his mistress and later wife, Jana. Did or did not former Prime Minister Petr Nečas lie in the case of the prosecution of his then mistress – and now wife – Jana in connection with the June 2013 raid on the Government Office? And if so, when and how? This question is now being answered by the District Court for Prague 1. Nearly three years ago, the court issued a criminal order imposing a one-year suspended sentence and a fine of CZK 100 000 on Nečas for perjury. But the former prime minister appealed and the court began hearing the case in public this Wednesday.
Source : https://archiv.hn.cz/ja-jsem-to-nepsal-jen-podepsal-brani-se-necas-obzalobe-z-krive-vypovedi-kvuli-manzelce