“Lord of the worms, we know about that.” The ambulance was called twelve times, yet he lay unaided for eight hours
A homeless man spent almost the entire day on the ground with a ruptured tibial ulcer right on the main route between Prague’s main train station and the tram stop of the same name. Passers-by called the emergency services twelve times, but they arrived after eight hours. A few metres from the tram stop in Prague’s “Sherwood”, as the park in front of the main railway station is called, a man lies curled up on the grass. His entire shin is bloody from a ruptured tibial ulcer. When the editor of the Daily N offers to call an ambulance for him, he replies quietly, “Someone has already called one for me.”
Source : https://denikn.cz/pan-s-cervy-o-tom-vime-zachranku-volali-dvanactkrat-presto-lezel-bez-pomoci-osm-hodin/