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A police officer in a BMW i8 privately drove an official from the castle protocol, the car was scrapped

A BMW i8 police special crashed. The passenger was a member of the castle protocol Kruliš

Vladimír Kruliš, the deputy head of the Castle Protocol, was sitting in the BMW i8 police car that crashed in the Brno region on Tuesday night. He suffered serious injuries and is now in the Brno University Hospital, news server Aktuálně.cz reported. The castle has not commented on the accident. “I will not comment on specific names,” Ivana Nguyenová, a spokeswoman for the police presidency, told Radiožurnál. “Interior Ministry Regulation No. 33 of 2011 stipulates that only members of the security forces, employees of the ministry and the police, or persons whose transport is related to the performance of official or work tasks may be transported in vehicles,” Nguyenová said, referring to an internal regulation that explains what kind of persons may travel in Czech police official vehicles.

Police BMW i8
Police BMW
Source : https://www.irozhlas.cz/havarie-policejniho-bmw-i8-spolujezdcem-byl-clen-hradniho-protokolu-krulis
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