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The unique Jaroslav Spišiak gives an interview, all successors of the honorary ex-president of the police sit in custody

Episode Jaroslav Spišiak: The willingness to work honestly has disappeared from the police, it’s time to reform the podcast

Podcast of the daily newspaper Postoj. An interview with Jaroslav Spišiak, advisor to the Minister of the Interior and former police president, on what a fundamental reform of the police should look like. Advisor to the Minister of the Interior and former police president Jaroslav Spišiak talks about how we got to the situation where all his successors are in custody. He also explains what his major reform of the police force, which he is currently working on for Interior Minister Roman Mikulc, should look like.

Source : https://www.postoj.sk/z-policie-vyprchala-ochota-pracovat-cestne-je-cas-na-reformu
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