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The Pirates Party no longer wants to be friends with Don Pablo (Don is not a mafioso but the Czech Minister of the Justice)

We wouldn’t go into government with Don Pablo, that’s a red line, says Hřib

According to their leader and election leader, Zdeněk Hřibo, the Pirates will say before the elections that they do not want to govern with extremists, with the SPD or communists, with those who have been prosecuted or convicted. Hřib also promises that the Pirates would not accept Justice Minister Pavel Blažek of the ODS in the government because of the housing case in Brno. “This is a clear red line that we definitely will not go into government with Pavel ‘Don Pablo’ Blažek,” Hřib said.

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/rozhovor-se-zdenkem-hribem-pirati-volebni-lidr-celostatni-forum

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