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Photographer Čejka saw the sad essence, do not publish at least photos where we are for complete morons

Not just the South. Photographer Čejka saw things that others overlooked

Jaromír Čejka, the photographer who captured the birth of the settlement. The author became known to the public mainly through documentary photographs of the construction of the housing estate in Jižní Město, which he began photographing while still a student at FAMU. This unique set tells the story of the birth of Prague’s largest housing estate, which, as he has stated in interviews, he photographed out of anger. The black-and-white series presents the life of a part of society that lived the reality of everyday life in the environment of an unfinished Prague housing estate.

Photographer Čejka didn't think but took pictures
If you name a photo “do not use” and still subordinates do not understand it and put it on the Internet…
Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/nejenom-jizak-fotograf-cejka-videl-veci-ktere-ostatni-prehlizeli
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