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The D47 motorway on the outskirts of Ostrava is being repaired for the third and allegedly last time

On the outskirts of Ostrava, the final repair of the poorly built D47 has begun

The highway began to undulate shortly after it opened in 2007. Two sections are still in litigation. On the outskirts of Ostrava, the final repair of the first section of the D1 motorway (formerly D47), which developed problems immediately after its completion more than a decade ago, began today. The repair of the 4.5-kilometre-long section will last until August. Drivers must expect restrictions during this time, as traffic is reduced to one lane. The repairs are part of a claim procedure, so the state will pay nothing for them, everything is being done at the expense of the companies that built the motorway. This was told to journalists today by representatives of the Road and Motorway Directorate (ŘSD).

Source : https://zdopravy.cz/na-okraji-ostravy-zacala-definitivni-oprava-nekvalitne-postavene-d47/
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